The core MyoFit46 research team led by principal investigator Dr Gabriella Captur includes 4 full time PhD fellows (Dr Matthew Webber, Dr Debbie Falconer, Dr Constantin-Cristian Topriceanu, Pablo Gonzalez Martin) with additional support from Drs Fiona Chan, George Joy and Jonathan Bennett.
In addition we are supported by 6 UCL Medical School iBSc students (Swapnanil De, Kiera Leonard, Aneesh Varma, Mansoon Tamang, Eesha Dev and Abhishek Kumar), 5 research assistants (Emma Martin, Uhuru Lambert, Imogen Thomas, Lorena Topala, Andrea George), 1 research coordinator (Lee Hamil Howes) and 1 research manager (Alicja Rapala).
Key research collaborators of MyoFit46 include Prof Alun Hughes, Prof Pier Lambiase, Dr Michele Orini, Prof Yoram Rudy and industrial partners: gTec, ENSAIT, ELEM Biotech, MycardiumAI and others.